Lift Inspection Service
Service Description
Inspection service for electric and hydraulic elevators installed in public or private buildings to ensure that they comply with the requirements of the Jordanian Standard.
Customer Category
- Business sector
- Governmental entities
Required Documents
- Valid site plan
- Tax book
- Electricity supply book (for final inspection)
Service Stages
- Fill out the "Request for Initial Inspection of Installed Lifts" or "Request for Final Inspection of Installed Lifts" form
- Pay the fees
- Schedule the inspection date
- Lift inspection
- In case of conformity during the initial inspection, an official letter will be issued to the concerned electricity company to connect the three-phase electricity supply to the building
- In case of conformity during the final receipt process, an official letter will be issued to the company to allow the lift to be put into public use
- In case of non-conformity, the lift will be re-inspected after paying the fees and setting a date for the supplementary inspection
Time Required to Provide the Service :14 working days from the date of payment
Fees (JD)
- The organization will charge (300) JD for the initial and final inspection of elevators, with the exception of diplomatic bodies, United Nations bodies and any entity specified by the Board of Directors.
- The organization will charge (50) JD for the first complementary inspection of the elevators.
- The organization will charge (75) JD for the second complementary inspection of the elevators.
- The organization will charge (100) JD for the third complementary inspection of the elevators and any inspection after the third complementary inspection of the elevators
Method Of Payment :E-Fawateercom
Location Of Service Provision :The organization main building and Northern Branch
How To Apply for The Service :Through e-service portal specified for elevators
Official Working Hours :Sunday to Thursday from 8:30 till 3:30
Service Outputs
- Official letter to the electric utilities to allow the lift to be connected to the power system (preliminary inspection)
- An official letter to the elevator operator to allow the lift to be placed under public use (final inspection)