
# ICS Title
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JS 2078:2015 Pesticides - Emulsion winter petroleum oils for use on dormant plants

This standards set the requirements which applies Petroleum oil products for winter use on dormant plants stock emulsion type (polyphase petroleum oil products for winter use excluding those containing additional pesticides) and set the requirements for packages, transportation and storage, and labeling for the product. (Published Document (JS))

JS 2077:2015 Pesticides - Miscible winter petroleum oils for use on dormant plants

This standards set the requirements which applies Petroleum oil products for winter use on dormant plants stock miscible type (monophase petroleum oil products for winter use excluding those containing additional pesticides) and set the requirements for packages, transportation and storage, and labeling for the product. (Published Document (JS))

JS 2080:2015 Pesticides – Emulsion summer petroleum oils

This standards set the requirements which applies to Petroleum oil products for summer use emulsion type (polyphase petroleum oil products for summer use excluding those containing additional pesticides) and set the requirements for packages, transportation and storage, and labeling for the product. (Published Document (JS))

JS 527:2003 Pesticides - Household aerosol insecticides - General requirement

Concerns general requirement for household aerosol insecticides (Published Document (JS))

JS 527:2001 Pesticides - Hand-held pressurized against houseflies - General requirement

Concerns hand-held pressurized aerosol dispensers houseflies -General requirements (Withdrawn Document)

JS 1281:1999 Plant protection products - Thiram water-dispersible granules

Concerns plant protection product called Thiram water-dispersiblegranules (Published Document (JS))

JS 1264:1999 Plant protection products - Diazinon

Specifies plantprotection called Diazinon (Published Document (JS))

JS 1290:1999 Plant protection products - Fosetyl aluminum

SpecifiesFosetyl Aluminium as plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1283:1999 Plant protection products -Trifluralin

Concernsplant protection product named Trifluralin (Published Document (JS))

JS 1285:1999 Plant protection products - Captan

Specifies captan as plantprotection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1289:1999 Plant protection products - Benomyl

Specifies Benomyl asplant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1266:1999 plant protection products- dimethoate

specifies conditions must exist in plant protection products (dimethoate) (Published Document (JS))

JS 1300:1999 Plant protection products - Chlorothalonil

Specifieschlorothalonil plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1301:1999 Plant protection products - Fenitrothion

Concernsfenitrothion (Published Document (JS))

JS 1287:1999 Plant protection products - Dicofol

Concerns plantprotection product called Dicofol (Published Document (JS))

JS 1286:1999 Plant protection products - Isoproturon

Specifiesisoproturon as plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1302:1999 Plant protection products - Profenofos

Specifies profenofos as plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1267:1999 Plant protection products - 2,4-D

Concerns plant protection productcalled 2,4-D (Published Document (JS))

JS 1284:1999 Plant protection products - Dichlorvos

Specifies dichlorvosas plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1299:1999 Plant protection products - Paraquat dichloride

Specifiesparaquat dichloride as plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1291:1999 Plant protection products - Metalaxyl

Specifies Metalaxyl asplant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1292:1999 Plant protection products - Propiconazole

Specifiespropiconazole as plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1295:1999 Plant protection products -Triadimenol

Specifiestriadimenol as plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1269:1999 Plant protection products - Fenvalerate

Concernsplant protection product named Fenvalerate (Published Document (JS))

JS 1270:1999 Plant protection products - Glyphosate

Specifies Glyphosateas plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1288:1999 Plant protection products - Propoxur

Specifies propoxur as plantprotection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1293:1999 Plant protection products - Permethrin

Specifies permethrinas plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1298:1999 Plant protection products - Bromoxynil

Specifies Bromoxynilas plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1296:1999 Plant protection products - Acephate

Specifies acephate asplant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1265:1999 Plant protection products - Deltamethrin

ConcernsDeltametrin used as plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1268:1999 Plant protection products - Cypermethrin

Specifiesplant protection products (cypermethrin) (Published Document (JS))

JS 1282:1999 Plant protection products - Pirimiphose - methyl

ConcernsPirimiphos-methyl used as plant protection products (Published Document (JS))

JS 1294:1999 Plant protection products - Triadimefon

Specifiestriadimefon as plant protection product (Published Document (JS))

JS 1297:1999 Plant protection products - Cyfluthrin

Specifies cyfluthrin as plant protection product (Published Document (JS))